Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Marco Kozlowski's high-pressure real estate seminars

Marco Kozlowski's high-pressure real estate seminars

Post by Burnaby49 » Tue Nov 24, 2015 8:03 pm
I know, this is off topic for Canadian Sovereigns and not really related to any Quatloos forums. But it has a photo of our occasional poster Ron Usher! ... -1.3325211

The story is about an American real estate huckster who uses questionable testimonials to drum up business for his free seminars. Get them in the door and they're yours!

Ron tried to warn the suckers but got thrown out;
"I've attended the seminars," says Ron Usher, a lawyer who has been tracking Kozlowski's advertisements.

"There are many red alerts for people," says Usher, who tried to warn Vancouver investors to stay away from a recent seminar before Kozlowski's staff asked him to leave.
But canny Canadian investors weren't going to listen to Ron's guff when millions awaited them inside! As Marco's shill said;
The well-dressed man at the front of the room, Lance Robinson, stops the tape and asks who is ready to "invest" in the next step of the course.

"We're gonna surround you with multi-millionaires at a three-day event," he says.
And Marco had a pretty solid defense of his use of the testimonials;
"The testimonial is not entirely inaccurate. Mr. Bhogal made money on his first transaction," wrote Kozlowski.
Not entirely inaccurate? That's like me saying I'm not entirely drunk after a night's pubbing. Technically true but it wouldn't help me if I was driving and stopped by the police.
"Yes Burnaby49, I do in fact believe all process servers are peace officers. I've good reason to believe so." Robert Menard in his May 28, 2015 video "Process Servers".

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